Thursday 10 November 2011

dubai hotel under water

December 13, 2007 Anywhere but Dubai, the idea of building a luxury hotel 66 feet underwater would sound far-fetched. But next to the Burj-al-arab, the rotating skyscraper, manufactured islands and indoor ski slopes of the desert commerce capital, the Hydropolis will fit right in. At a rough cost of UK£300 million, this jaw-dropping engineering challenge will allow guests to get a true taste for the peace and beauty of underwater life – and at a projected pricetag of up to USD$5500 per night for a room, you'd certainly be hoping that life is much better down where it's wetter.
While the idea of an underwater hotel might not be unique (The US$105 million Poseidon Mystery Island resort in Fiji, also under construction, is likely to open its doors first), the Hydropolis will be several times larger, deeper underwater, and far more opulent than its rivals.
Guests and visitors will arrive at the land station, on Dubai's Jumeirah Beach, where they can view a high-tech cinema presentation on the evolution of aquatic life and underwater architecture. The wave-shaped land station will be stunning to look at in its own right, and it will house Hydropolis staff, marine biology research labs, a conference center, parking and even a cosmetic surgery practice.

Dubai hotel under water

Dubai hotel under water

Dubai hotel under water

Dubai hotel under water

Dubai hotel under water

Dubai hotel under water

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